Just like us adults who drive while texting and talking on the phone, kids are finding new distractions as well. According to this study (as if we need one) on MSNBC.com, kids become distracted while walking. It becomes a hazard when they are crossing the streets or walking along the sidewalk.
I saw a good example of this when I picked up a friend's child from school a few months back. The child had a gameboy instead of a phone. He was so immersed in his game, he walked right out in front of a car. It seems we are being taught to juggle multiple distractions at a young age these days. Common sense tells us this is not a good thing, yet some parents don't seem to notice. Let's take time to protect our children in this regard. Teach your child to answer the phone in a safe area, not in the middle of the street. Whenever they are on the phone have them stop walking or engaging in other activities. I'm not sure I'll let my children have a cell phone when they are in grade school, or even junior high school. If I do, I'll explain to my child that the phone is for emergencies only.