Today's mother is a term that's been thrown around a lot over the years but things really are different today. Today's mother is much more active and that's in part thanks to the baby carrier. Moms are seen everywhere with their infants doing all kinds of fun things. Yes there is the usual going to the grocery store, but now they are also socializing with friends at restaurants, standing in line at the DMV (saw that the other day), and going to the mall. All of these things are much more enjoyable then pushing a stroller. Sitting at home with your child is not all bad, but let's face it, we aren't getting any thinner. we have to get out there and get our exercise. There is also a certain feeling of bonding when our baby is so close to us. I know our baby likes this feeling too.
When you carry your baby, which do you prefer? One thing that I noticed about some baby slings is that the baby almost disappears in some versions. I saw one baby in a sling, and I think she may have had the baby in there wrong...but you couldn't tell a baby was in there. The sling entirely engulfed the poor infant. That's one reason why I like the baby carrier. It provides a way for the baby to comfortably view the outside world. They are able to sit upright and use the back flap as a head rest. Infants actually need that to keep their heads up! It just seems more natural.